Scholars Collective
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Job Application
For Scholars
Staff Only
Scholars Collective Job Application
This application is for Scholars Collective. We are a service that provides academic enrichment, tutoring, and support for local families and schools in Southern California. At this time, all of our open positions are part-time. Although we cannot guarantee any specific number of hours, we are flexible and work with your schedule. We are seeking people who are currently or recently enrolled in college, have experience working with or volunteering with children, and have aspirations to work with children as a career. If selected for an interview, you will be asked to submit a copy of unofficial transcripts and complete a background check. This is a great position for future educators! Please complete the entire form. If a question does not apply to you, type N/A. If you have any questions about the application, please email
[email protected]
Personal Information
Indicates required field
Other names used
Academic Information
College(s) attended
Undergraduate Status
What is your major?
List any Credential / Masters Degree programs you are enrolled in or completed.
What was your most recent GPA?
3.5 - 4.0
3.0 - 3.4
2.5 - 2.9
2.0 - 2.4
1.9 or below
Professional Information
Previous employer or volunteer work
Please list a professional reference (supervisor, mentor, professor, etc.). Include Name/Title/Phone Number
Which kind of service do you feel most comfortable offering? Check all that apply.
Enrichment (small group STEAM activities for elementary)
Elementary tutoring all subjects
Secondary tutoring Math / Science
Secondary tutoring ELA / Social Studies
All grades tutoring Spanish/English
All grades tutoring Khmer/English
Please describe your experience working with children.
Please describe your long term career goals.
Please explain how this part-time job will help you with your long-term career goals.
*It doesn't seem like it submits, but it works :)
Turn in my application.
About Us
How do I get there?
Our Philosophy
Why Scholars Collective?
Early Childhood
Day Camp
Gaming & Tournaments
Why gaming?
Parties & Events
Professional Development
Prices & Booking
Schools & Districts
Contact Us
Job Application
For Scholars
Staff Only
Scholars Collective